Hi There!

My name is Matt Roth. I'm a Full Stack Web Developer and

lifelong learner.

Hey I'm Matt! This is an illustration of myself sitting on the floor with my ThinkPad, a cup of coffee, and a house plant.

A about me.

Hey thanks for checking out my site! I'm a self-taught developer with about 1.5 years of professional experience. I specialize in React.js, and I am familiar with Python backends such as Flask and Django. I'm also a Linux hobbyist and have been using Debian-based distros as my main OS for the last 10 years (mainly Ubuntu and Linux Mint, who has time for Arch?). If you want to learn more about me feel free to browse my projects below or reach out using any of my contact links!

Let's get in contact!


Here is a small display of my past projects. While not exhaustive, I've tried to select projects that highlight the skills listed in my résumé. Thanks for taking a look!

Screenshot for Interactive Python IDE

Interactive Python IDE

A real-time IDE used for teaching students basic Python.
Web Sockets
Screenshot for Vocabulary Database Dashboard

Vocabulary Database Dashboard

Tool used to manage a database of common ACT and SAT vocabulary words.
Screenshot for Song Setlist Dashboard for Twitch

Song Setlist Dashboard for Twitch

A queue of setlist songs is exposed via API, which can be queried and used by a Twitch chatbot.
Screenshot for Animated Avatars

Animated Avatars

SVG Avatar Generator for Student Accounts.

Let's get in contact!

Feel free to reach out using any of the links below! And there's a form too for those who prefer a more direct approach.

Matt Roth

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